Very Clean and Minimal Portfolio WordPress Theme
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Vinero – Very Clean and Minimal Portfolio WordPress Theme
Vinero is a portfolio WordPress theme, focused on minimalism, elegance and simplicity. It’s created with masonry portfolio grid. Packed with a lot of useful features, options and shortcodes. This theme is very flexible, easy for customizing and well documented. Vinero has been coded in HTML5, Stylus and jQuery.
- Clean Code
- Focus on typography, usability and user-experience
- Fully Responsive Design
- Visual Composer Compatible (Save $34)
- ACF Pro Compatible (Save $18)
- Revolution Slider Included (Save $19)
- Contact Form 7
- One-Click Demo Install
- AJAX “Load More” (Button / Infinite)
- Portfolio filtering based on categories
- Advanced Typography Control
- Responsive Lightbox
- Unlimited Portfolio Layouts
- Back to top button (option)
- SmoothScroll (option)
- Type Logo (Text / Image)
- Three types of blog (Full Width / Masonry 2 columns / Masonry 3 columns )
- Social links in the Menu (option)
- Custom Admin Logo (option)
- Localization Support (.po and .mo files included)
- Cross-Browser Compatibility: FireFox, Safari, Chrome, Opera, IE9, IE10.
- Two types footer (Menu / Social)
- Fixed footer (option)
- Child themes support
- WordPress 4.5.3 fully tested
- Coded with valid HTML5 & CSS3.
- Stylus files Included
- Extensive Documentation
- Friendly After-Sales Support
- Preloader [On / Off]
- Smooth Scroll [On / Off]
- Back to top [On / Off]
- Homepage Image Background [Image]
- Homepage Title + Homepage Subtitle [Text]
- Homepage Parallax [On / Off]
- Homepage Background Video [url]
- Login Logo [Image]
- Mobile Bar Color [Color Picker]
- Site Border [On / Off + Width + Color]
- Custom CSS Code
- Logo Type [Text / Image]
- Social Links Menu [On / Off]
- Fixed Menu + Transparent Menu [On / Off]
- Sidebar Position [Left / Right / Hidden]
- Fixed Sidebar [On / Off]
- Pagination Types [Pagination / Buttons
- Full Typography Control [h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, body, strong, blockquote]
- Fixed Footer [On / Off]
- Footer Type [Menu / Social]
- Footer Copyright [Text]
- One Click Demo Importer