Jo – Portfolio, Photography WordPress Theme
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Jo – Portfolio, Photography WordPress Theme
Jo is a Portfolio Photography WordPress Theme, handcrafted for creative folks who appreciate minimalism. It comes assembled with 3 designed HomePages, 4 types of Portfolio listing, 4 types of Gallery. In addition to common pages, we added page for Booking and Pricing Table. Jo does a great job in combining images and story telling.
Feature Lists
- Compatible with latest WordPress versions
- Beautiful Responsive Design
- Fully Retina-Ready
- New generation mouse-parallax interaction effects
- Visual Composer Content Builder (Save $34)
- Smart Slider 3 PRO (Save $25)
- ACF Pro Plugin (Save $18)
- Support for Envira Gallery plugin (all premium extensions is integrated too)
- One-Click Demo Content Installer
- Rich Theme Options
- Custom Typography (650+ Google Fonts)
- Custom Visual Composer Widgets (by WPHUNTERS)
- Phone number field
- Ultra Flexible Portfolio Listing Options (200+ variations)
- 4 Pre-designed Portfolio Item Types (fully customizable via Visual Composer)
- Amazing entrance animations (which can be turned off in theme settings)
- 3 Blog Types (Fullwidth & Sidebar & Grid)
- 5 Different Headers (including fullscreen navigation)
- Search Page
- 404 Page
- Fullwidth Pages
- Pricing tables
- Testimonials block
- Social Networks
- Booking (reservation) page
- Team Members
- Support one-level drop-down menu
- AutoType Element (typed.js)
- Social Networks
- Contact Forms (CF7)
- Alert Messages
- Google Maps
- Heading Title (VC Widget)
- Mobile Menu
- Parallax Support
- Blog Sidebar
- Image or Text Logo
- WPML Compatible
- Child Theme
- Custom Page Heading
- Icons Collections
- Lazy Loading
- Semantic and Clean HTML5
- Coded with SEO in Mind
- Scroll Box Content
- Video Documentation
- Excellent Customer Support from Envato Elite author