Teachme – Learning Management System WordPress Theme
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Teachme – Learning Management System WordPress Theme
The Teachme is a learning management system based on WordPress.
The Teachme theme ideal for university, education, school, online learning sites, online courses, video blogs, paid membership sites, blogs, business and technology sites.
You can build powerful learning sites with our awesome course page examples.
We also designed beautiful membership pages, custom forum page, 10+ creative page examples, custom build mega menu and dropdown menus, left sidebar menu, transparent header and 6 different header positions.
Please check all other features below:
- Responsive Layout Design (Works with all mobile devices)
- Cross Browser Compatibility: FireFox, Safari, Chrome, IE9, IE10, IE11
- Retina Display Ready (High-resolution image view)
- Great SEO base built-in (compatible with most SEO Plugins like SEO by Yoast)
- Free Updates
- Great attention to details
- Strong focus on usability
- Drag & Drop Page Builder (Visual Composer worth $34)
- Revolution Slider For Free (worth $19)
- 40 Custom Page Builder Elements (also WooCommerce Elements)
- Ready for translation (.po / .mo files included)
- Custom translation theme option for selected string translation
- True One-Click Demo Installation with content, sliders & theme options
- Completely Styled Forms with included Contact-Form-7 Plugin
- Advanced Theme Options Panel (Redux framework!)
- Buddypress Plugin fully design integrated!
- BBPress Plugin fully design integrated!
- Woocommerce Plugin Compatible
- Rock solid code base written in HTML5 & CSS3
- Child Theme compatible (example child theme is already included)
- 6+ Unique Header Styles
- 6+ Unique Home Page Layout.
- 3+ Unique Blog Styles.
- 6+ Blog Post Type Format(Standard, Image, Gallery, Video, Audio, Quote)
- 2+ WordPress Custom Post Types (Teacher, Testimonials)
- 30+ Amazing Shortcode
- 4+ WordPress Custom Widgets (Contact Information, Flickr, Twitter, Recent Posts)
- 5+ Beatifully Design Revolution Slider used on different Pages
- 5+ Different styles for coures views
- 500+ Font Awesome Icons (Easy to use)
- 700+ Google Fonts Supported
- 3+ Unique Menu Style (Simple, Mega Menu, Left Menu)
- 4+ Page Layout Style (Default, Fullwidth, Left Sidebar, Right Sidebar)
- 2+ Theme Layout ( Fullwidth and Box Layout ) Versions
- Box layout background pattern images upload option
- Custom image upload option for theme loader image
- Custom Google Map (with style) Supported
- Social Media Share / Follow Friendly
- Enhanced performance! Super Fast!
- Parallax Sections
- 1-6 Columns supported
- Smooth CSS3 Fade-In Animations for columns and images
- Built-in Megamenu: Choose between 1 and 5 Columns
- With Teachme you can use any other premium slider plugin, like LayerSlider or RoyalSlider
- Strong Page Meta Option Like (Enable Page Loader, Page Breadcrumb Disable, Page Loader Image Style Selector, Page Menu Selector, Page Layout Selector, Header Selector, Header Logo Uploader, Footer Selector, Footer Logo Uploader, Revolution Slider Selector)